Our Stories

This is a small sample of the stories we hear weekly from people right here in the United States of America. This is happening now.

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Kelmar Story

My name is Brian Kelmar, and I am the father of a 24 year old son who has autism and…

Tom's son at the helm of a tractor
Tom and Jackie’s Story

We would like to first present our son’s early childhood development as a way to introduce to the reader the…

Matthew Rushin’s Story

On January 1, 2019, Matthew Rushin was a Black, autistic mechanical engineering student at Old Dominion University. He had a…

Matthew Rushin
Drew greets his dog
Drew Harrison’s Story

Our son, Drew Harrison, is on the Autism Spectrum. He served three active years of a 50-year prison sentence. Drew’s…

A Mother’s Nightmare

A MOTHER’S NIGHTMARE:My adult son has an Intellectual and Developmental Disability. He functions as a 10 year old child. His…

Dubin Story

IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE: MY STORY by Kitty Dubin My son, Nick, was not diagnosed with ASD until…

Adam’s Story

Narrative written by Ms. Carol Nesteikis on this 15th day of September, 2020. Adam is not capable of writing his…